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bol indický učenec, ktorý v roku 1042 odišiel do Tibetu, kde zreformoval buddhizmus. Tam o 12 rokov zomrel. / wikipedia
Atiśa Dīpankara Śrījñāna,romanized: Jowoje Palden Atisha. Was a Bengali Buddhist religious leader and master from the Bengal region of the subcontinent.[2] Bikrampur, the most probable place for Atiśa's birthplace, was the capital of the Pala Empire as it was of the ancient kingdoms of southeast Bengal. Though the city's exact location is not certain, it presently lies in the Munshiganj District of Bangladesh, and continues to be celebrated as an early center of Buddhist cultural, academic, and political life. Similar to Gautama Buddha, Atiśa was born into royalty.He was one of the major figures in the spread of 11th-century Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism in Asia and inspired Buddhist thought from Tibet to Sumatra. He is recognised as one of the greatest figures of classical Buddhism. Atiśa's chief disciple, Dromtön, was the founder of the Kadam school,[3] one of the New Translation schools of Tibetan Buddhism, later supplanted by the Gelug tradition in the 14th century, adopting its teachings and absorbing its monasteries
Filozofická škola: mahajána budhistická filozofia
Diela : Bodhipathapradīpa (A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment)